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Change management 101: Implementing new digital visitor and contractor management software into your workplace

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on May 10, 2023



We all know that most software, implemented well, improves our day-to-day activities. It can remove the headache of clunky spreadsheets and back-and-forth emails. It can provide robust data at the touch of a button to help drive better decision-making and improve processes. It can collate compliance documents and automate checks, giving peace of mind to managers that their workplace is safer and more compliant. Given the benefits of software implementation, many businesses are constantly adding new systems to their tech stack. However, if not communicated and executed well, employers adding technology to their business processes may be met with employees’ resistance to change. 

Thanks to the assistance of our implementation specialist, Tim Cameron , we delve into how key company stakeholders may be impacted by technological changes, questions to consider when finding the right visitor and contractor management software, any resistances or doubts your employees may have implementing new software or processes, and how to overcome these resistances.

How are key company stakeholders impacted?

Visitor and Contractor management software may alter roles, responsibilities, and expectations of employees such as receptionists, facilities managers, operations managers, and compliance departments. It may also impact employees as it can change the way they communicate and interact with visitors and contractors. They may also deal with additional expectations being placed on them by their employers, including the assumption that they will be able to easily adapt to and utilize this new software. Such software implementations could also alter or call for a change in workplace visitor and contractor policies and guidelines.

Various key company stakeholders may be impacted by this implementation, whether they are using the software, just becoming aware of it, or even being a key decision maker, namely:

Hybrid work schedule illustration

Questions to ask when choosing the right visitor and contractor management software

Before thinking about how exactly you plan to implement this new workplace software or how to get your key company stakeholders on the same page as you – it is important you ask yourself these questions to ensure the software you choose is most suitable for your unique workplace requirements:

  • What specific features and capabilities may I require based on our specific needs?
  • How many sites/locations will be employing this software? Will there be more sites in the foreseeable future?
  • What check-in methods are most favorable to you and your visitors? (i.e mobile check-in, iPad check-in)?
  • What security capabilities are required? (i.e will you need the systems to scan and print visitor badges, employ facial recognition technology, pre-screen visitors to collect important compliance documentation, and so on)
  • What questions and documentation will we require from visitors and contractors, and can this software meet these needs?
  • What specific data and statistics am I wanting to get from this software?
  • How much will this software cost? Does it fit into our company budget?
  • What specific costs may be incurred to implement this software? (i.e equipment and material costs)
  • What are the ROI and long-term benefits of using this software?
  • How can it assist our workplace in enhancing compliance and security?
  • How will our workplace policies and visitor policies be impacted?
  • How will our employees, visitors, and contractors react?
  • What will the implementation and set-up be like? Will I have consistent support along the way?
  • What kind of support and guarantees does the company have to put our minds at ease and make the process worth it?
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Tips and tools for successfully introducing digital visitor and contractor management software into your workplace

Before deciding to implement these new processes and software into your workplace, it is important to recognize and try to find out any resistances or doubts your company stakeholders may have. This can include:

  • The connotation that the new system is here to replace people, their jobs, or even just some of their everyday roles and responsibilities. This can make them hesitant to onboard new processes.
  • Various data privacy concerns from the project team as this may be a question that is asked when introducing a new system to their workplace.

Now that these resistances have been successfully recognized and extensively analyzed, there are various ways to deal with these oppositions and reassure your company stakeholders this is a worthwhile decision.

It is important to communicate what the software means for their day-to-day working lives, reassuring them of the benefits of the implementation, and evoking positivity in support of the change.

It is important to take the implementation process seriously and sincerely by ensuring you read and understand various information/documentation/FAQs that may be provided to you. It is also a good idea to attend in-depth training sessions run by the visitor and contractor management company so you can extensively understand the product and truly recognize the bespoke benefits for your workplace.

It may also be useful to utilize the software’s website by sharing links or guides around privacy/security policies to help put your team’s minds at ease and educate them on how the software works. It is also encouraged to properly communicate what the new software is and how it will affect/improve the daily operations of individuals in the business. 

Seamlessly implementing and applying this new software

Of course, once your company stakeholders are on board, you have addressed any doubts or concerns they have and extensively conveyed to them why you have made this decision – it is worth considering how to successfully implement this new software into your workplace. This should be in a manner that is suitable to your unique business requirements and how your business specifically wants to benefit from and use the software:

Identify an internal project/product champion

Someone keen to learn the product and excited about improving processes and sharing their knowledge with others is the perfect fit to champion new solution. When you have enthusiastic people onboard, quite often, they are the ones that end up teaching everyone. When software is procured by one team and hand-balled to another without enthusiasm or proper consultation, this may result in the most friction in the implementation process. 

Communication and transparency

Be upfront and informative about change and how it will affect stakeholders. 

Onboarding emails

Onboarding emails sent out to your team members who will also be using the software should contain content around what the software is, why it was introduced, what their key responsibilities will be, links to helpful how-to information, links to the software’s privacy policy so they can understand how the data will be handled, along with a call out suggesting they take the opportunity to voice any questions and concerns.

Consult the power users throughout the process

Engage with those who will be the "Boots on the Ground" or "Power Users" of the software. If they are a part of the discovery process, chances are they will feel more empowered to make the project successful. 


Engage the training and support that is available to the team at the time of implementation. Identify people inside the business that get excited about technology and invite them to a session with a Subject Matter Expert (Implementation Specialist). These people will become your internal product champions in a Train the Trainer approach. 

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Recognizing the benefits of digitizing your visitor and contractor management processes

Digitizing your workplace comes with various challenges and resistances (to say the least). Many employees may be on a different wavelength in terms of the whys and hows of being part of an increasingly digital world. But, as you begin to overcome any of these resistances and manage to get your key company stakeholders on the same page as you, the true underlying benefits of digitizing your visitor and contractor management systems can be duly recognized:

  • Enhance visibility over your sites – with the ability to manage your workplace remotely. Know who is checked in, who is about to arrive, and who has left and checked-out.
  • Impress your VIP guests with a sleek and modern technology user interface that is easy to use and safeguards their data.
  • Begin the transition to a paperless office and securely store important visitor data and documentation – without the hassle of manual admin, paper shredders, excel spreadsheets, or back-and-forth emails.
  • Enhance on-site security with various features such as instant badge printing, visitor check-out with facial recognition
  • Enhance visitor compliance by requiring them to read and acknowledge your workplace policies and guidelines upon check-in– such as NDAs, fire evacuation diagrams, conditions of entry, or on-site health and safety procedures.
  • Streamline contractor compliance processes by digitizing your induction processes, collection of permits to work and licenses, and access requests. Documentation can even be collected before work commences.

The Honeywell Forge Visitor and Contractor Management team is here to support you throughout this evolving journey. Get in contact with one of our friendly sales team members today to find out how we can help digitize your workplace.
