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Blog Smart Buildings

Data and analytics: driving the future of smart buildings

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on August 7, 2020

Could a smart building be the answer to your current workplace issues? Every workplace needs certain elements in order to run in a way that is functional for everyone who walks through its front doors. That’s a lot of people to consider!

Taking proper consideration for all of those employees and visitors means needing proper safety and security measures, quality of work-life for employees, and seamless operations. As people begin to return to work, special considerations for sticking to COVID-19 protocols also need to be made – all while keeping economic value in mind. 

Maintaining each of these elements can be a juggling act, especially for busy business owners whose time might be better spent on other tasks. However, the solution to all of this is made quite simple with smart buildings. 

Let’s talk a little bit about what they are and how they just may be the innovative solution that you’re looking for. 

What is a smart building? 

Smart buildings are structures that use automated processes to regulate all building activity. This could include anything from air conditioning and heating to calendars and energy tracking. 

They are a step up from what is called an ‘intelligent building’, which is commonly known as a building that uses automation to control its energy systems (heating, lighting, HVAC, etc.) 

Smart buildings use additional tools and controls which can be used remotely, often with a smartphone. They use a combination of Smart Workplace and iBMS to create the perfect workplace solution for building management. 

Blog Smart Buildings
The Smart Building Maturity Model (Source)

Technology is taken even further with what can be called a ‘cognitive building’. This type of building uses AI and robotics to control its systems. 

Your evaluation of what type of building will be most valuable to your business will depend on your unique needs, ranging from basic to sophisticated. 

Smart building benefits for employees and employers

Smart buildings are a great happy medium between intelligent buildings and cognitive buildings and can bring a lot of value to your business and its daily operations.

Economic benefits of smart building technology

The problem with non-smart buildings is that they are more likely to be lacking in areas like estimation, access control and security, problem identification, return on investment, and brand reputation. Other businesses have taken on the modern smart building approach, which can reflect poorly on the image for those who don’t. 

This technology can solve all of these problems and actually shows for a better return on investment. It has become increasingly more affordable over the years, with each dollar of your investment being put to good use. Incorporating smart building technology produces happier employees, improves productivity, and saves on energy costs that are closely monitored. 

Employee benefits of smart building technology

When everyday processes are made easy, employees become happier. Smart buildings provide benefits to your employees by optimizing their experience. It’s common to see an increase in employee wellbeing and work-life when operations are modernized and efficient.  

When employees are happy, their productivity only goes up, which ultimately means great things for your business economically. Smart buildings have the ability to create a better company culture, which not only extends to current employees, but to the attraction of new talent as well. 

Today, the best talent is looking to work for a company that takes active steps towards maintaining a healthy environment and creating a great human experience. The incorporation of smart buildings has the potential to get the best talent through your doors. 

happy employees in a meeting within a smart building

Safety and security benefits of smart building technology

Smart buildings provide added security and safety benefits to your business. The ability to control who is able to come into your office is one of the great features of smart buildings. You can automate your sign in processes so that no visitor slips through the cracks and all personnel are accounted for. 

Employees can be granted access to enter the building and have limited access to specific areas, which means you maintain constant control, even if you are away from the building itself.  

Automation and access control 

It’s likely that you aren’t going to want to allow every employee or visitor to have access to every part of your office building. By limiting access, you help to avoid break-ins, keep better track of valuables and have peace of mind in knowing who is going to be where and when.  

Sine offers digital visitor and contractor management, which enables staff to focus on revenue-generating activities and ultimately offer more efficient operations. 

You can integrate Sine with Gallagher for an additional layer of security for your office building. Use QR codes to grant visitor access only to those who are supposed to be there, and avoid breaches to security. Your information is always kept safe! 

Data and analytics for your future

Buildings only become smarter with the use of data and analytics. Smart building technology allows you to look at data such as fault detection, energy consumption predictions, occupant comfort levels, activity levels and more!

Sine even offers a reporting dashboard for your smart building which allows you to monitor and report on all activity. You can look at busy periods, monitor capacity, spot trends or be notified of red flags within your business. All of this data can then be used to make informed decisions for your business and make efficiency improvements to operations. 

If you're thinking about incorporating smart building technology into your business, you’re on the right track to digitizing office functions and creating a better work environment for employees. Learn more about Sine’s access control integrations and get started on creating a better future for your business!

Looking to push your enterprise forward? Learn more about Sine for Enterprise.
