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Implementing zero harm technologies for a safer workplace

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on April 13, 2021


Safety in the workplace isn’t something that’s “nice to have”, it’s a “must-have”. Especially when it comes to the current global climate and the changes that COVID-19 has forced upon organisations. Thankfully, the continued evolution of zero harm technologies offers a path forward.

This means that the zero harm concept has become more important now than ever. And it’s one that every company and workplace needs to explore, understand, and implement.

What does zero harm mean? 

Simply put, zero harm is the concept that a workplace is intrinsically safe for every person within it. That includes everyone, whether employees, employers, contractors or even visitors. 

They don’t need to take any additional precautions during their visit to the workplace. Rather, their safety is managed through the inherent procedures in place. This environment is cultivated and maintained by management, utilising safety education and worksite design to create a zero harm environment. 

The evolution of zero harm in the modern workplace

Zero harm is something that many companies had an easier time getting close to before the introduction of COVID-19. Once COVID hit, the scope of zero harm rapidly expanded, and its effective implementation became exponentially harder. New restrictions and risks, in conjunction with the changing landscape, mean that achieving the zero harm status requires more time, effort, considerations and complications than ever before.  

Now, to achieve zero harm, business owners need to look at enhanced safety precautions. These now encompass touchless people flow, capacity management and much more. 

So, how can a zero harm environment really be achievable in today’s world? 

Zero harm technology

While it may currently seem like a zero harm work environment is unattainable, it’s more achievable than you might think.

Thanks to the continued evolution of zero harm technologies. Technology allows you to take some (if not all) of the load of creating a zero harm environment off your plate. It makes many of your daily processes easier and safer. 

Zero harm technology features to consider 

If zero harm technology is the key to helping you create the ultimate workplace for safety. Then what features should it have and what situations would it truly be helpful in?

Pre-screening before arrival 

Consider a visitor who arrives on-site, displaying COVID-19 symptoms. They start their screening process on arrival, only to be turned away. While others in the vicinity of them are also required to quarantine and be tested.

Their symptoms are only identified once they are on-site. Giving rise to the potential they already spread their germs. 

With zero harm technology like Sine would allow you to complete pre-screening before someone even arrives on site. Which means the chances of infection being spread are completely avoided. 

Contactless sign-in

If someone were to arrive at your workplace, pick up a pen and sign-in on paper, the number of surfaces they would have touched would be too many to count. Zero harm technology allows anyone who enters in your doors to complete the sign-in process entirely contact-free. 

This is great for minimizing surface touch points and also for staying compliant with social distancing rules. With Sine, you can use Fast Track QR or even geofencing to sign visitors in automatically upon their arrival. 

Contact tracing

If an outbreak occurs at your workplace, how would you know who had potentially been exposed? In particular, without resorting to sweeping shutdowns across your facility. Zero harm technology allows for quick contact tracing of suspected cases. In addition, it gives full visibility over all of movements throughout your site. 

Instant QR for unexpected visitors 

Try as we might, the best-laid plans can still go awry. So how can you effectively handle unexpected guests?

It is important to consider how they will be handled for sign-in procedures. Rather than taking the time to deliver the necessary information and get an unexpected visitor to sign-in, instant QR ensures you are able to provide a contactless check-in solution for everyone who visits your site. 

Your staff and workplace remain protected while comprehensive contact tracing data is efficiently collected. 

contactless visitor check-in solution

Live capacity monitoring 

With capacity limitations being a part of a zero harm work environment, it can be hard to achieve a zero harm work environment. Live capacity monitoring features allow you to monitor how many people are in an area at a time. Then utilising this data to make further people flow decisions. 

see who is on site during an evacuation with sine

Now, with Sine, all you need to do is keep an eye on your live web dashboard. With the ability to make adjustments as needed in real-time. 

Are you feeling ready to take the next step in creating a zero harm workplace? Sine is ready to help you get closer to and achieve your goals.

Get in touch today to book a demo!
