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Blog Tips for a Healthy Return to Work

Tips for a healthy return to work after COVID-19

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on February 16, 2021

It seems many organisations are currently tiptoeing into the idea of returning to work. Some have even already started and are establishing plans to get their staff back in the workplace. 

While it’s great that we’re finally in a position to entertain the idea of a return to work, one thing that can’t afford to fall by the wayside is the importance of doing so in a healthy way. Maintaining physical distancing, keeping processes touchless, and keeping capacities to a minimum are requirements that every business needs to stay compliant with. 

The benefits of a healthy return to work 

Employee health and safety is the primary concern for many organisations and the core focus of policies and procedures that are set to govern a healthy return to work. 

Beyond that, setting up your business to thrive despite restrictions is the best way to be successful in keeping everyone safe and keeping your doors open. Rather than having to close down again due to the spread of infection in your facility. 

Healthy people are also happier people. They’re able to complete their jobs more efficiently, meet deadlines and consistently improve when it comes to their work. But how can you ensure a healthy return to work? 

Healthy return to work for employees 

Stay home when necessary 

While you might be feeling eager as an employee to return to work, even the most minor symptoms of sickness mean that you should stay home. Should your sickness be more serious, you can help to avoid the risk of spreading the infection and keep everyone safe. 

The saying “better safe than sorry” most certainly stands when it comes to a return to work and it’s an attitude that has been adopted by the majority of organisations. While in previous years it may have been the norm for employees to “push through” illness and demonstrate their dedication to their job by continuing to arrive at work every day, this attitude shift is a crucial one for employers to adopt in fostering an environment where it is universally encouraged to stay home and recuperate when someone falls ill.

work from home qr check in

Keep up with hygiene

It’s your responsibility as an employee returning to work to maintain good hygiene. Be sure to keep up with regular hand washing and use hand sanitiser between washes when possible. 

It also helps to use disinfectant spray and tissues to wipe down your desk as well as any areas that might be commonly touched by others.  

hand sanitizer station

Keep your distance

It’s likely that employers will put practices in place to help you keep adequate space from other employees. However, it’s your responsibility to make sure those practices are followed and maintained. Avoid crowded areas whenever possible and keep a good distance away from colleagues when interacting. 

Site poster showing capacity limit on a room to help manage a healthy return to work

Take breaks

An important part of your own healthy return to work, is making sure you don’t burnout! Take breaks as needed to rehydrate, get fresh air, go for a walk, or have a healthy snack. 

Taking care of yourself first means you will be better equipped to take care of your work tasks. When you feel rejuvenated, you will be able to refocus and maybe even increase your productivity. 

How employers can set up a successful return to work 

Implement Touchless Technology 

The truth is that sickness can spread like wildfire when employees share touched surfaces. Buttons, screens, door handles, and more are surfaces that everyone shares in the workplace each and every day. 

One of the best solutions to the safety of these shared surfaces is implementing touchless technology. 

Sine helps to transition everyday workplace needs into touchless but functional technology. Whether it’s touchless sign-in options or touchless hand sanitiser stations, there are plenty of ways to make everyday objects and processes touchless. You set your employees up for success in helping to stop the spread and provide a healthy return to work. 

Keep crowding to a minimum 

Crowding and people being close together is one of the main culprits behind the spread of infection. As an employer, you need to have systems in place so employees can remain socially distant. 

Reconfigure your space so that desks and workstations are adequately apart from one another and maybe even consider installing transparent partitions. 

Encourage a culture built on health 

One of the best ways to create a healthy return to work is to lead by example. Encouraging a healthy culture starts with leaders following protocols themselves. 

Be sure to send out a proper notification on new health and safety protocols and consider putting up signage around the workplace as reminders. It will be important to keep your employees in the know as things progress with regular updates whether that be verbally or by email. 

It’s more than likely your employees will appreciate you putting in the effort to make their return to work as healthy and seamless as possible. 

Setting up for a healthy return to work

Are you ready to set your employees up with the safest return to work possible? Sine makes the process quick and simple, helping you to stop the spread within your workplace with ease. 

Ready to start? Get in touch and book a demo today!
