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How to manage COVID-19 vaccination tracking and compliance

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on September 9, 2021


The recent increase in COVID-19 cases due to the spread of the Delta variant is causing many companies to rethink their reopening plans, and many are opting to enforce vaccine mandates in their return-to-work strategies. According to Gartner’s poll on August 24, 16% of organizations in America are implementing a vaccine mandate – a significant increase from the 2% of companies that reported mandating vaccination in January.

And with the Food and Drug Administration granting full approval to the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine this week, such mandates are expected to become even more common. Thirty-three percent of executive leaders said that FDA approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine has increased the likelihood that their organization will mandate employees get vaccinated. 

And while there are still many companies who are not enforcing a mandate, the majority are still tracking vaccine status, via physical record and self-reporting measures – and this reaches beyond their own workforce. Goldman Sachs announced this week that it would require proof of vaccination for anyone entering its U.S. offices — including clients, contractors and others who do business with Goldman.

As vaccine mandates become standard for employees to return to work, many companies are looking for streamlined, secure ways to incorporate vaccination tracking into their daily screening processes. Sine offers a simple solution to manage vaccine requirements, collect documentation and automate compliance all from a mobile device.

How Sine can help you collect and verify proof of COVID-19 vaccination before check-in

As more organizations begin to enforce vaccine mandates for workers, contractors and visitors, it is essential that there are systems in place to enable health pre-screening and verification of COVID-19 vaccination status before they arrive on site. 

tracking covid-19 vaccine compliance with sine workflows

Companies will also want to ensure their documentation is up-to-date with all compliance. Luckily, with Sine, screening and verifying that people entering your site have been vaccinated is simple.

Sine is a leading mobile workplace and visitor management technology with a focus on occupant  safety, health and efficiency. From managing varying occupancy levels to pre-screening visitors and contractors before arrival, Sine helps facility managers and operators create a simplified, safe site experience that offers myriad integrations with access control systems. 

Here’s how Sine can help you automate compliance and protect your workforce:

Prescreening workflows and ‘Vaccination Passports’

Sine Workflows is a powerful compliance tool to pre-screen and gain essential COVID-19 vaccine information. This includes collecting and uploading immunization documents from your employees, visitors and/or contractors before they check in. You can put a person's access requests in a ‘pending’ state, and approve or reject them on a case-by-case basis or automatically by vaccination status.

covid-19 vaccination passport tracking and compliance

Set up your ‘Vaccination Passport’ screening workflow and ensure everyone entering your workplace site has provided valid documentation of their immunization. The system will automatically flag those who have not done so and bar entry if needed.

You can select automatic approvals for valid workflows or, for added compliance assurance, have submissions manually reviewed and approved to ensure valid proof of vaccination is supplied.

With Sine, you can create COVID-19 vaccine check-in questions for your visitors and contractors to keep your facility safe. You'll receive notifications when your visitor arrives and choose whether to 'accept' or 'reject' them with custom messages.

Managing validity of immunization records for multiple vaccine doses 

With most of the COVID-19 vaccines developed requiring two doses to be completely effective, it may be more complicated to track effectively.

With Sine Workflows, you can choose a validity period for the person to respond and upload proof of vaccination. Workflows will automatically expire once a user reaches the date of their projected second dose, prompting the user to update the workflow with proper documentation of their second vaccine administration. 

The flexible settings within Sine also allow you to set up and share workflows for any scenario within minutes. As circumstances and restrictions change, you can quickly update your workflows to suit, and help keep your site protected. Sine helps makes it simpler to collect proof of vaccinations and manage approvals for people entering your facility. Whether it’s self-certification and declaration, or monitoring and compliance reporting—Workflows can be tailored to your needs.

Simplify and streamline your return to work, with automated COVID-19 vaccine screening from Sine. Book a demo with a Sine expert today.
