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Employee productivity while working from home: tips for the hybrid workplace

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on May 6, 2021

The pandemic changed the way companies conducted their day-to-day business. For many employees, this meant staying home and working remotely. This left staff and managers in a daze. Stuck between adopting this changing work style while juggling anxieties and concerns about a raging public health crisis.  

Huddled at home, under strict quarantines, and still subjected to the stressors of the 9 to 5 life – this was a recipe for disaster that left people feeling blue, tense, and uncertain about their future. 

However, despite the apparent challenges, it so turns out that remote employees are more productive than they were in the office.

Is working from home easy for workers? 

As the world adjusted to the new normal of working remotely in early 2020, workplaces and businesses had to make rapid changes to ensure sustainability. It seemed, at first, like remote working would be easy; however, it proved to be quite a challenge for both employees and business owners. 

According to research, 29% of remote workers complained of struggling with work-life balance. This is compared to 23% of office workers reporting the same struggle. Additionally, 45% of workers felt more anxious about their work when working from home, and 37% reported procrastinating more than usual. 27% of remote workers also reported their biggest struggle was not being able to unplug from work on time. Because of an unstable work routine, workers found themselves working round the clock, which was one of the biggest reasons for hindering efficient work productivity. 

Our productivity tips for working from home

To help your workforce stay focused, productive, and efficient, we have compiled a few productivity tips for working from home that can hopefully bring some work-life balance:

Use the Pomodoro technique 

Encourage your workers to take a break during work. Placing an emphasis on interacting with family members or take a few minutes off to refresh their minds. This is particularly important when employees feel drained or distracted. 

One way to make sure that employees are using their time effectively is by introducing the Pomodoro Technique. 

This technique involves creating a 25-min time slot where the worker eliminates all distractions and noise and focuses on the task at hand. A 5-minute break will follow the completion of 25 minutes of high-intensity work. This marks one Pomodoro sprint. A more extended break will follow the completion of 4 Pomodoro sprints marks. 

the pomodoro technique to boost productivity

Make a designated workspace 

When working from home, employees should have a dedicated workspace that they reserve strictly for work purposes. It can be the coffee table, study desk, or a small makeshift corner in front of a white wall. 

Additionally, try to keep your desk clean and organized and arrange all your stationery and files properly.

Proper lighting is also essential in your designated workspace. A well-lit place gives a fresher vibe to your place and is said to improve your mood. Try choosing a spot where you get maximum sunlight. And if that’s not possible, make sure to have your dull bulbs switched out for bright ones, so your space is well-lit. 

Make a schedule—and stick to it 

One of the essential tips for staying productive at home is to set realistic boundaries. If your workplace has fixed timings, try to maintain the same schedule as you did when working at the office. Wake up at the same time, have breakfast, and start your work accordingly. Following a fixed plan allows employees to remain focused, productive, and efficient.

make a schedule to help you maximise productivity

Eliminate distractions 

Research shows that employees working remotely are more likely to waste their time on distractions. Since there is minimal to no surveillance amount at home, employees can quickly resort to using smartphones for non-work purposes. In fact, they might spend an average of 2.5 hours per workday using smartphones for non-work purposes. 

It is challenging to eliminate distractions from home completely. However, you can ensure that your employees take appropriate steps that can help them minimize these distractions to improve their productivity. For example, having an office space where no other family member is allowed, putting your phone on airplane mode during meetings and essential work, and staying away from places can cause you to feel lazy or sleepy.

Take the first step into hybrid work

Remote working offers immense benefit for employees and business owners alike, as long as they are smart about it. Working from home doesn’t have to be stressful for either party. Remember to form strict boundaries, eliminate distractions and treat your home workspace like your office space. In turn, this will improve productivity and help you be productive. 

For more information on how to juggle the stressors of work-life balance, check out our guide to hybrid work.
