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cost visitor management

The Cost of Visitor Management

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on January 23, 2020

Management asks about the ROI of things all the time, and visitor management systems are no exception.

But to be honest, there’s no objective answer to that, as it depends on each company.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t see benefits. On the contrary, there are many, but the majority of them are preventative or intangible.

In the end, the question is not the cost of visitor management, but the impact it provides.

With that in mind, we’ll focus on the impact of visitor management versus the cost of not using a visitor management system in your workplace, and why having a system can impact your ROI.

What is a visitor management system anyway?

A visitor management system is a tool that helps businesses streamline their check-in and visitor policies.

A visitor management system centralizes check-in and check-out as well as helping office managers keep track of all the visitors that come to your worksite. With a system, you can change your visitor policies and enforce your security requirements with a few clicks, and without alerting your visitors.

Here’s the visitor management process as we understand it in Sine:

  • A visitor checks in on a tablet at your site or uses Sine Pro
  • The host gets notified immediately
  • The employee greets their visitor in the lobby

What can a visitor management app do for your business?

A visitor management system is the best tool for processing and tracking guests because it helps you save money without having to cut corners. In fact, a visitor management app is the opposite, as it enhances your check-in process.

Nowadays, workers, contractors, and visitors prefer having a quick, safe way of checking in, and when you use a paper-based check-in system, you’re just relying on a slow process that’s not only less environmentally friendly, but also very cumbersome.

Besides, paper sign-in sheets are old school, and might end up lost or in unscrupulous hands.

In a nutshell, these are some ways a visitor management app can ease your check-in process:

  • Signing in workers to your worksite
  • Creating checklists and reports
  • Knowing who’s on your site
  • Staying compliant and safe
  • Going paperless

The cost of not having a visitor management system

Thousands of dollars in admin time

Let’s say your workers at the front desk greet at least 50 visitors a day, and each visitor takes two minutes to check in on your worksite. That’s almost two hours that your workers could’ve devoted to another activity.

Vulnerability against bogus identities

How many Tony Starks and Bruce Waynes have tried to gain access to your site?

Probably a few.

One of the drawbacks of not using a visitor management system is that you’ll never know for sure who is really who because your visitor could be using a fake ID or signing under a fake name.

A dull check-in experience

Raise your hand if you’ve gone to offices or worksites that suck all the joy from you. Or even worse, offices that look like they’re in total disarray.

Without a check-in app, you’ll probably see a queue of people huddled up against the front desk trying to sign their names on a tattered piece of paper. That’s not only time-consuming for them, it also looks terrible in the eyes of other contractors or visitors.

The benefits of having a visitor management system

Faster sign-in

We told you about the dreaded queues in the front desk and the people huddling.

What if we told you that a management system can make them all disappear?

check in time

No more having to sign in Gary, your plumber, each time he comes. With Sine, he can sign himself in every time he comes to your worksite. Or, you can set a geofence to receive an alert that Gary is coming, even if he forgot to sign in.

Improved workplace security

Workplace security is not just about adding cameras and tough-looking security guards. You can strengthen your workplace security using a visitor management app.

For instance, with Sine, you can use facial recognition to see if people really are who they say in their IDs. Or, if you’re in the US, Sine can check your visitor’s ID against a database to find out if they’re the person they say they are.

Better compliance

Compliance is a pain, and we’ve already talked about it. But keep in mind that it’s always better to cover any gaps instead of facing fines.

A visitor management app can help you stay compliant by teaching your visitors and contractors how they should behave on your worksite, as well as showing them the appropriate exit routes or any other piece of information you deem necessary.

Flexibility and the ability to grow with your business

We take it you want to grow because that’s what all companies want. With legacy systems, you’ll always reach a limit. However, with a check-in app, you have plenty of room to grow because you can serve more than one visitor at a time.

Sine, for instance, has a set of custom plans where you only pay based on the number of visitors you’re getting. So, if you’re a small business that’s just starting, you can adjust your plan accordingly and readjust it again when you’ve grown enough to need it.

But the best thing is that it doesn’t matter what your plan is, we’ll make sure that you get the best solution for your visitors’ needs.

Find out more about how Sine’s mobile app can help with your visitor and worker management.
