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How Nuago upgraded their visitor management and achieved their ISO certifications with Sine

By Maddy GlynnDigital Marketing Specialist
Published on November 22, 2022

“From the moment we tried the trial period, it was a simple decision for myself and the directors to make. It really helps us with our visitor management and achieve our ISO certifications.”

Connor O., Co-owner, Director of Sales, Nuago

Multi-tenant visitor management without comprimise

sine lobbies empowers tenants with a cohesive, centralized, and secure check-in experience.
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Lobbies Simplified Hardware 2

Nuago is an innovative IT Consultancy whose mission revolves around creating and implementing technologically-driven strategies to inspire innovation and enable organizations to reach their full potential. When they approached Sine, they did so with a predetermined list of needs rather than problems.

As a forward-thinking tech company, Nuago wanted every aspect of their operations to be modern and efficient to help them reach their full potential – including their visitor and contractor management processes. Meaning it was time to ditch their outdated paper sign-in book.

Beyond digitization, another major need was physical security. With a large in-house warehouse containing high-tech software and equipment, they needed to ensure that their site remained safe and secure at all times. And as a company that deals with a wide variety of clientele, being able to easily identify and track new and previous visitor check-ins was a huge consideration.


A seamless experience – start to finish – with Sine geofencing

To suit Nuago’s check-in service needs, Sine installed the SinePoint Pro iPad in the main reception area to capture all check-ins and check-outs. 

Additionally, Nuago takes advantage of Sine’s geofencing feature which allows them to automatically check visitors in and out before they even get to the iPad kiosk. This ensures that people and their whereabouts onsite are always accounted for. In addition to geofencing, Sine's automatic photo ID badges also help provide an added security level for site access to easily identify all visitors.

The ability to geofence their site has revolutionized their approach to visitor and contractor management. Using the feature, Nuago can now:

  • Confirm all site attendance
  • Automatically check in visitors as they enter the site
  • Communicate through messages and notifications with everyone on site efficiently

They can also impress their clients by having someone at the door to greet them as Sine’s geofencing feature alerts them of their arrival.

"Sine has enabled Nuago to have a digital platform at our front desk that plugs a visitor directly into the person that they are at our office to see and makes for a very low-cost alternative to a physical person at the front desk. This has enabled us to gain a great capability in the business at a significantly lower cost than a traditional sign-in book with a receptionist at the front desk."

Connor O., Co-owner, Director of Sales, Nuago

Favorite features:

  • Fast and easy check-in for returning visitors.
  • The ability to check in with the mobile app.
  • Ability to geofence their site and prompt auto check-ins.

To learn more about how Sine can streamline operations for your workforce, book a demo with our team today!
